TRANSACTOR MAGAZINE C128 VERIFIZER (40 column mode) VERIFZER should be run before typing in any long program from the pages of The Transactor It will let you check your work line by line as you enter the program, and catch frustrating typing errors. The VERIFIZER concept works by displaying a two-letter code for each program line which you can check against the corresponding code in the program listing. The Transactor's Foolproof Program Entry Method SYS 3072,1 to enable the C128 version (off: SYS 3072,0) Original 1987 1000 rem * data loader for "verifizer c128" 1010 rem * commodore c128 version 1020 rem * use in 40 column mode only! 1030 cs = 0 1040 for j = 3072 to 3214:readx:poke j,x:ch=ch+x:next 1055 if ch<> 17860 then print "checksum error": stop 1060 print "sys 3072,1: rem to enable" 1070 print "sys 3072,0: rem to disable" 1080 end 1090 data 208,11,165,253,141,2,3,165 1100 data 254,141,3,3,96,173,3,3 1110 data 201,12,240,17,133,254,173,2 1120 data 3,133,253,169,38,141,2,3 1130 data 169,12,141,3,3,96,165,22 1140 data 133,250,162,0,160,0,189,0 1150 data 2,201,48,144,7,201,58,176 1160 data 3,232,208,242,189,0,2,240 1170 data 22,201,32,240,15,133,252,200 1180 data 152,41,3,133,251,32,135,12 1190 data 198,251,16,249,232,208,229,56 1200 data 32,240,255,169,19,32,210,255 1210 data 169,18,32,210,255,165,250,41 1220 data 15,24,105,193,32,210,255,165 1230 data 250,74,74,74,74,24,105,193 1240 data 32,210,255,169,146,32,210,255 1250 data 24,32,240,255,108,253,0,165 1260 data 252,24,101,250,133,250,96